Article About Marriage

Marriage has come a long way; every culture has formed its opinion about marriage life. The question is, how is life treating individuals who are married? Are people enjoying married life? Is marriage fulfilling its promises? These are questions nobody has the correct answers to; everyone who is married is doing what they think marriage should be and trying to live according to the expectations and desires they have for each other.

Even though people who get married know that marriage is an institution, it’s just an old age saying in the minds of married couples. The institution is left unattended, and neither spouse has the time and effort to attend the institution. Couples go about their daily duties, trying to survive, but wonder why their lives have so much stress and worry. Couples assume married life is already designed for them by their parents, societies, and extended families, which has converted married life into a survival process.

These limitations imposed on marriage have rendered marriage very burdensome to most couples. The origin of marriage comes from good intentions full of promises to enhance one’s life that led to abundant living.

Modern Wife Channel invites all married couples and prospective expectants to join us to learn and discuss marriage experiences and how marriage life can enrich our lives and the lives of our next generation of children.

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