Already-Made Wife

The wife today is a highly knowledgeable woman. She already has knowledge and, for that matter, has little to no desire for extra knowledge. In her marriage, she is a career woman and a child bearer. She is swamped at work because her work is very demanding and critical. She spends less time at home, and even though she has children, she is not the primary caretaker of her children; she delegates this aspect of her responsibility to her relatives or the outside world.

However, not all today’s wives can have help at home. Some wives must come back from work and cook, do dishes, clean, do laundry, and take care of children. She is busy throughout the day and most of the night. She has no time to rest or relax at home.

Today wife’s primary concern is how to pay the bills and the social image of her family; nurturing the relationship and working through the personal issues of the individuals in her family is the decision that the communities have taken over, or they are swept under the rug. We are in a world where the economy defines who a wife is due to the professional pressure she is under.

One thing about already-made ideas is that we think they are not bad ideas, they could fit very well in the modern world, but they could also significantly limit your well-being because you are unaware of what goes into the process of marriage. Following already-made ideas does not allow you to use the process to learn about yourself; for that matter, everything you do would be based on assumptions and unfulfillments.

Is the already-made structure helping the modern wife? Is the current wife able to accomplish all her goals simultaneously? Is the contemporary wife happy? What changes does the modern wife need to make?

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