A Householder

A wife is the householder of her family, especially if her family cannot afford a maid, which is not a bad thing at all. The householder is the sustainer of her family. She manages her home and makes sure her house is well organized and directed. She is also her family’s spiritual advocate and her children’s caretaker. Hiring a maid at an initial stage of marriage union could take up the space of the householder, which means all the benefits associated with becoming a householder could not be realized.

However, in some extended families, it is unbearable for a wife to take the responsibility of a householder because most women are highly educated careerwomen, and the expectation of her husband and extended family placed on her is not that of a householder. Most of the time, the space of the householder is misplaced in the mind. This brings an extreme imbalance in the married couple’s lives. The mind takes over the marriage.

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